Kuroninja's Christmas 2017, part 6

After buying the Christmas decorations, Kuroninja realized that he was missing out on World Ninja Day, and the opening match of the INC. Quickly, he rushed to his house with the decorations. But that was when Phoenix Soldier returned. He brought out his sword and shield and attacked Kuroninja.

Kuroninja, however, had the Kage Shuriken. Unfortunately, someone attacked Kuroninja from behind. It was Lord Drakkon. He wanted revenge on Kuroninja for defeating him too early and getting replaced with Akuroninja. Technically, that wasn't Kuroninja's fault. That was when a gold shuriken struck the ground. Khamun Rider X and the Arctic Ninja arrived to help out Kuroninja. Kuroninja escaped while the Arctic Ninja and Khamun Rider X fought Lord Drakkon and Phoenix Soldier, but then ran into a Triceratops Trooper. This blue ranger lookalike was an elite soldier of Akuroninja's army, only sent for special missions. They were armed with staffs. Kuroninja fought the triceratops trooper, and finished it off with his Kage Shuriken finisher.

After seeing Lord Drakkon, Kuroninja knew that something wasn't right.


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