Kuroninja News: More Stuff About X

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja, and it’s time for Kuroninja News!

Yes, it’s that time of the month again, where we have spoilers for next month! I think you get it already. Now it’s obviously about LupinX/PatorenX, but we’re going to start with the Lupinranger Movie!

Now for the movie, we have this new guy named Jackpot Striker. Obviously, he’s just like Good Striker, except he’ll only appear in the movie. There’s also going to be some music-themed VS vehicles, I guess...and there will also be 2 Ganglers in this movie. By the way, in the movie, it will probably have a story where LupinRed and Patoren1 have to work together.

Also in the news, it seems like we have some more information on X. LupinX is stronger, while PatorenX is faster. And at first, I thought it was weird, because I thought the Patorangers focused on strength while the Lupinrangers focus on speed. Maybe there’s a reason why it’s like that. Maybe it balances out the weaknesses that the teams have, and because of this, both of them want X on their team. But in order to do that, the Lupinrangers and the Patorangers would have to work together.

Now in episode 20, the episode where X debuted, and I made a theory about how I unintentionally created X, we got introduced to the X Trains. One of them I saw gold, the other is silver. Of course, it can transform into a robot. And this robot’s name is X Emperor. Just like X, it has 2 forms. I know it’s really obvious, but when the Lupinrangers and Patorangers finally work together, I think they will end up with a robot that combines the X Trains, the Dial Fighters, the Trigger Machines, and GoodStriker.

Also in the news, I have successfully defeated Lord Drakkon and one of his Sabertooth Sentries in a Mixed Tag Team match, along with my Tag Team partner, LupinYellow. This means I get to challenge Lord Drakkon for his Ultimate Championship!

Anyway, that is all for Kuroninja News, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!


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