Kuroninja X Chapter 29
Chapter 29: The Last Stand Kuroninja-10 knew that Ajnin Dihcro wanted him to defeat him. However, he still needed to be stopped. Kuroninja decided to help Kuroninja-10 with his Ajnin Dihcro problem. First, Kuroninja needed to know what the Bioninjas were planning, so he took the Dragon Orb from Sayori. He then rubbed his hands on the dragon orb until it started glowing. Kuroninja asked the Dragon Orb what the Bioninjas were planning. The Dragon Orb then gave a prophecy... “A forgotten foe will make his return, From losing your battles he has learned, He has created a new form One more death will create a storm When an orchid ninja destroys the construct’s heart That’s when the final battle starts.” Kuroninja then realized what was going on. Ajnin Dihcro was a vessel being used by Cronin, the former leader of the Bioninja Organic Organization. Once Ajnin Dihcro was destroyed by an Orchid Ninja, it would release a surge of energy that the Bioninjas needed som...