Kuroninja X - Recap 2
This is just a recap for what happened in Kuroninja X so far. If you already know what happened in Kuroninja X then just ignore this.
Sayori had recently been introduced to Team Kuroninja. However, she had no idea what was going on. Kuroninja decided to explain what had happened so far before she showed up.
It all started when Anti-Kuroninja opened a portal to Earth-10, releasing the Bioninja Organic Organization. Their leader, Cronin, planted Yashin’iobi Trees which mutated the wildlife and turned them into monsters. Kuroninja knew he had to stop them, so he went on a quest to reunite the Flowery Kunoichi Team, except for Suiren, because nobody likes Suiren. Anyway, there was also another Kuroninja: Kuroninja-10, who was from Earth-10. He was also an Orchid Ninja, just like Ran. Kuroninja-10 was sent to Earth-1 to stop the Bioninjas, because he had experience with fighting them. Kuroninja also discovered he had something known as the Snakeforce, but he was able to get rid of it by transferring it into a being with more chaotic energy than Kuroninja.
Kuroninja then continued with explaining. Nothing interesting really happened until March 10, when Kuroninja ended up fighting forces from the Underworld, along with Suiren, while trying to get a birthday present for a police officer named Tsukasa. Tsukasa was a police officer who served under the Japanese branch of the Global Special Police Organization, and Kuroninja decided to give her a birthday present. Kuroninja first met Tsukasa after saving her from being destroyed by Akuroninja and his Darkprism forces. Then they ended up going on a date at this French restaurant.
Not much happened after this. However, there was one time when KN-5, an evil computer virus version of Kuroninja from Earth-5 tried to destroy Za Gantoretto after absorbing the Snakeforce. This allowed him to escape banishment in Wasteworld. Kuroninja had to team up with Anti-Kuroninja to defeat KN-5. There was also this time when Kuroninja had to help Ayame prove that she wasn’t an evil ranger anymore. Kuroninja was able to help Ayame become a good ranger and defeat some member squad of the Bioninja Organic Organization.
Sayori was confused, because she thought that Kuroninja was dating Tsukasa. But it seemed like Kuroninja and Ayame were close. Kuroninja then explained that he was polyamorous and that he was also dating LupinYellow and Momoninger. That way, there would be no third wheels.
There was also this major event where Akuroninja returned and teamed up with KN-5 and Anti-Kuroninja to take over the Multiverse again, but the other Kuroninjas were able to put a stop to it. Kuroninja then explained that after this, some Crossing Over began to happen and because the Kuroninja Multiverse wasn’t used to Crossing Over, many anomalies began to happen, such as HakuchoWhite returning from the dead, and some creatures from the Far Realm or the Dark Dimension appearing. Somehow, Monika had arrived in the Kuroninja Multiverse. She helped Kuroninja and the others defeat these Dark Dimension creatures, and after that, Monika hasn’t been seen since, with Kuroninja still trying to find out where she went.
Oh, and as for Cronin, he got destroyed by Kuroninja. Nightshade then ended up becoming the leader of the Bioninjas after that. However, Kuroninja-10 is being stalked by an evil clone of himself, but what’s really weird is that this clone is so easy to defeat.
Sayori had recently been introduced to Team Kuroninja. However, she had no idea what was going on. Kuroninja decided to explain what had happened so far before she showed up.
It all started when Anti-Kuroninja opened a portal to Earth-10, releasing the Bioninja Organic Organization. Their leader, Cronin, planted Yashin’iobi Trees which mutated the wildlife and turned them into monsters. Kuroninja knew he had to stop them, so he went on a quest to reunite the Flowery Kunoichi Team, except for Suiren, because nobody likes Suiren. Anyway, there was also another Kuroninja: Kuroninja-10, who was from Earth-10. He was also an Orchid Ninja, just like Ran. Kuroninja-10 was sent to Earth-1 to stop the Bioninjas, because he had experience with fighting them. Kuroninja also discovered he had something known as the Snakeforce, but he was able to get rid of it by transferring it into a being with more chaotic energy than Kuroninja.
Kuroninja then continued with explaining. Nothing interesting really happened until March 10, when Kuroninja ended up fighting forces from the Underworld, along with Suiren, while trying to get a birthday present for a police officer named Tsukasa. Tsukasa was a police officer who served under the Japanese branch of the Global Special Police Organization, and Kuroninja decided to give her a birthday present. Kuroninja first met Tsukasa after saving her from being destroyed by Akuroninja and his Darkprism forces. Then they ended up going on a date at this French restaurant.
Not much happened after this. However, there was one time when KN-5, an evil computer virus version of Kuroninja from Earth-5 tried to destroy Za Gantoretto after absorbing the Snakeforce. This allowed him to escape banishment in Wasteworld. Kuroninja had to team up with Anti-Kuroninja to defeat KN-5. There was also this time when Kuroninja had to help Ayame prove that she wasn’t an evil ranger anymore. Kuroninja was able to help Ayame become a good ranger and defeat some member squad of the Bioninja Organic Organization.
Sayori was confused, because she thought that Kuroninja was dating Tsukasa. But it seemed like Kuroninja and Ayame were close. Kuroninja then explained that he was polyamorous and that he was also dating LupinYellow and Momoninger. That way, there would be no third wheels.
There was also this major event where Akuroninja returned and teamed up with KN-5 and Anti-Kuroninja to take over the Multiverse again, but the other Kuroninjas were able to put a stop to it. Kuroninja then explained that after this, some Crossing Over began to happen and because the Kuroninja Multiverse wasn’t used to Crossing Over, many anomalies began to happen, such as HakuchoWhite returning from the dead, and some creatures from the Far Realm or the Dark Dimension appearing. Somehow, Monika had arrived in the Kuroninja Multiverse. She helped Kuroninja and the others defeat these Dark Dimension creatures, and after that, Monika hasn’t been seen since, with Kuroninja still trying to find out where she went.
Oh, and as for Cronin, he got destroyed by Kuroninja. Nightshade then ended up becoming the leader of the Bioninjas after that. However, Kuroninja-10 is being stalked by an evil clone of himself, but what’s really weird is that this clone is so easy to defeat.
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