Power Rangers Ninja Stale Episode 2 Review
Unless something interesting happens, I'm going to refer to the 24th Power Rangers season as "Ninja Stale". Also, new rangers have appeared, but I'm not as excited as last episode. If you read the ending of my blog post, you will know EXACTLY why. If you don't, it has to do with the White Ninja Steel Ranger. However, before I talk about it, here's a summary. Caution: there are spoilers, so I suggest watching Episode 2 of Ninja Steel first. Remember Mick from Episode 1? We don't know what happened to him last episode, but now we do (Actually, I knew about what would happen, but I just forgot about Mick when watching the episode). Anyway, he was found by these two teenagers, who drive a yellow truck. Remember how they drive a yellow truck, that's a very important detail. There's also a dog, who's the pet dog of one of the teenagers. That's also important for later on. Meanwhile, with the Red, Blue and Pink rangers, they have found out...