The 蘭dom Section: My Power Rangers Movie Sequel Theory
Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! This is the 蘭dom Section, where I talk about random things! This time, I'm going to talk about my theory for the sequel to the Power Rangers movie.
First, let's talk about the most obvious point: the sequel will introduce the Green Ranger. But how will the green ranger be introduced? Here's how. There will be 2 green rangers. One of them is Rita, while the other is Tommy. But Rita got frozen in space, didn't she? Well guess what? There's a villain in the second season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, known as Lord Zedd. He might unfreeze Rita so she could serve him. Rita used to be the green ranger, so she's going to attack the Rangers. But that's when he gets defeated. I think Tommy will be the one to defeat her, but then Zedd sees potential in Tommy and makes him the new green ranger.
What about Tommy's character in the movie? I think I know what will happen. The Rangers in the movie are supposed to have flaws, and that's why they want to become rangers. The Power Rangers movie was great by the way, because the blue ranger got more attention than the red ranger. I think Tommy is kind of like someone with a "perfect" personality, but then he gets corrupted by the green coin and turns evil. I wonder when we get to see a humanoid skeleton?
Anyway, that is all for the 蘭dom section, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!
First, let's talk about the most obvious point: the sequel will introduce the Green Ranger. But how will the green ranger be introduced? Here's how. There will be 2 green rangers. One of them is Rita, while the other is Tommy. But Rita got frozen in space, didn't she? Well guess what? There's a villain in the second season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, known as Lord Zedd. He might unfreeze Rita so she could serve him. Rita used to be the green ranger, so she's going to attack the Rangers. But that's when he gets defeated. I think Tommy will be the one to defeat her, but then Zedd sees potential in Tommy and makes him the new green ranger.
What about Tommy's character in the movie? I think I know what will happen. The Rangers in the movie are supposed to have flaws, and that's why they want to become rangers. The Power Rangers movie was great by the way, because the blue ranger got more attention than the red ranger. I think Tommy is kind of like someone with a "perfect" personality, but then he gets corrupted by the green coin and turns evil. I wonder when we get to see a humanoid skeleton?
Anyway, that is all for the 蘭dom section, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!
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