Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 16 Review 🔧
Hey guys it is I, Kuroninja! Sorry this review took so long, I was focused on some other things, including some song covers on my youtube channel. I was so focused on a certain someone whose name starts with an S, ends with an I, and has 6 letters in it. But that doesn't mean I forgot about my reviews!
So now let's review this episode! At first it looked like the average episode, with just a monster of the week and some random subplot, but then at the end, one of the main villains, who we didn't see in the last 2 episodes (which must've been why those episodes were bad) took the Ninja Fusion Star. I know exactly what he'll do with it: He's going to fuse some Skullgators together to create some skeleton monster that's really powerful.
Now overall, this episode was...
Anyway, that is all, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!
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