Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 15 Review 💻

Seriously, what is it with these useless one-time-only characters in Ninja Steel?

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! The reason why this review took so long was because I was hesitating a little with the review. Last episode was so bad I actually used the Very Bad rating for the first time, so I was worried that this episode would be as worse as last episode. Luckily, I was wrong, but this episode is still very bad. However, at least I'm stronger than the rangers.

Now you might be wondering what I'm talking about, why am I complaining about characters who make only one appearance and then disappear from the face of the Earth? Well, it's because this episode, just like last time, also had an unlikeable character. At least she wasn't an authority figure this time. She's basically an expert in tech stuff, and she ends up running into the rangers. This is when we see violation number 1: She's taking ninja lessons from Brody, the red ranger, but that's not what's annoying me. What's annoying me is how she says she's taking 'karate lessons,' even though it's ninjutsu. The reason why she's taking these lessons is so that she can help the Power Rangers with fighting monsters.

See, this is NOT how you develop characters. But if you are going to develop someone like this, at least make sure they're part of the main cast or at least they appear in more than 3 episodes. Take Natsuki in the Kuroninja Gold series, for example. She joined the Kuroninja dojo because she was interested in ninjutsu, but due to her immaturity, she underestimated how much skill you need to be a ninja, and as a result, Natsuki's ninja skills are really, really bad. Then she ended up fighting Ikustan and lost. After that, she decided to leave the Kuroninja dojo and...you know what? I don't want to spoil anything else.

Now another thing I said is that I can win against all the rangers in a fistfight. The reason why is because of how the Ninja Steel Rangers reacted when their weapons were infected by the MOTW's computer virus. Because of this, they couldn't use any of their magic-based attacks or their blasters. When it was taking a long time to find the right antivirus, the Ninja Steel Rangers could've at least defended themselves using punches and kicks. Brody's from a family of ninjas, so he should know about hand-to-hand combat. Besides, it's really easy to weaken the MOTW of this episode. Just look at him. All you have to do is punch him in one of his keyboard keys. And trust me, NOBODY wants to get punched in the eye. That's not why I wear a helmet all the time, by the way.

Alright, so let's see...the Ninja Steel Rangers show how much they suck at fighting without powerups, we got someone who we'll never see again, and Victor and Monty don't even realize they could've made another magnet to win the tech contest trophy. Super strong magnet machines count as advanced technology, right? Anyway, this episode is just...


Anyway, that is all, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!


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