Kuroninja Gold Episode 19

Episode 19: Risen From the Ashes

Antonio Vega had somehow collapsed, and Yuri had been shot in the back with an arrow. The only ones left in the room were Satomi Sato and Natsuki. Unfortunately, they didn't have Kuroninja's help for this, because Kuroninja was on a date with the blue ranger of the Flowery Kunoichi Team.

Kuroninja and Ayame were at a restaurant, enjoying some sashimi and sushi. Suddenly, Kuroninja noticed some strange noises coming from outside, so he decided to investigate. Kuroninja then ran into Bronzar and Yajin Niroku, who was being forced into releasing shadow energy into a Nature Dimension crossing to make it open faster. He knew that he had to stop them right away. Kuroninja charged at Bronzar, who blocked Kuroninja's attacks with his sword. Meanwhile, Yajin Niroku was hiding, trying to think of a way to break free from his imprisonment.

At the same time, in the Kuroninja Dojo, Natsuki decided to leave, taking with her a ninja sword.
"Natsuki!" Satomi said. "Where are you going?"
"Someone has to stop Haruna Nakamura," Natsuki said.
"Why?" Satomi asked. "You don't have to do this, you know!"
"It's none of your business," Natsuki said. She then left, ready to find Haruna Nakamura.

Meanwhile, Antonio Vega woke up on a soft bed of ash. He had no idea how he got here. Surrounding him were seas of burning, orange liquid, and walls of fire. The floor he was standing on was made of black stone, and there were salamanders crawling near him and swimming in the burning lake. Despite the really hot temperature, Vega wasn't sweating or overheating. The flaming bird that Antonio Vega saw appeared again, and it looked like it was leading Vega somewhere. Antonio Vega decided to follow the phoenix, which led him to some kind of temple, made of obsidian.

Inside the temple, there was a small, bright red octahedron-shaped gemstone. Antonio Vega approached it, but then the phoenix appeared in front of him.
"What am I doing here?" Antonio Vega said.
"This is the Fire Dimension," the phoenix said. "I am the Guardian of this dimension's ultimate power, and this dimension has found you worthy."
"So...this is the Fire Dimension?" Vega asked. "How do I get this power?"
"All you have to do is get that red stone," the phoenix said.

Kuroninja, meanwhile, was fighting Bronzar, as Yajin Niroku watched from the wreckage of a car, and Ayame watched through the windows. Bronzar started overpowering Kuroninja, having learned his fighting style from previous battles. Bronzar then picked up his greatsword, ready to finish Kuroninja off.

"No one can save you now!" Bronzar said, as he swung his greatsword, about to slice Kuroninja's head in two.
Suddenly, a black ball of Void Energy appeared from out of nowhere and hit Bronzar in the face, causing him to drop his sword. Voidninger, in full ranger armour, then appeared in front of Bronzar.
"Natsuki!?" Kuroninja said. "What are you doing here?"
"None of your business, Kuroninja-sensei!" Voidninger said, as she picked Bronzar up with ease and threw him into a lamp post. Voidninger then started beating up Bronzar until a fragment of his bronze helmet fell off.
"What do you want?" Bronzar asked.
"Bring me Haruna Nakamura," Voidninger said. She then let Bronzar go and vanished.

Kuroninja got up, confused at what was going on. He decided to carry on with his date.

Meanwhile, in the Fire Dimension, Antonio Vega was hesitating. At first, he didn't want to take the Ultimate Power, but then some memories began to flow through him. They were memories of Antonio Vega's tragic past, the harsh wrestling training he took back in Mexico, his uncle getting killed by a masked criminal with a machine gun, his loss to El Perdedor, forcing him to leave Mexico after losing a match where he put his lucha libre career on the line...

...but then some good memories took over. After joining the Kuroninja Dojo, Antonio Vega became better at fighting, by combining lucha libre with ninjutsu. He also gained new allies, such as Shinnosuke Nakamura and Sayori. Antonio Vega knew what he had to do. He had to embrace this new passion he had of being a ninja.

Antonio Vega grabbed the stone, which burned in his hand. Vega tried letting go, but couldn't. His hand started to burn...

...and then he woke up, back in the dojo, with Satomi, along with Sayori and Yuri, who had both been shot by pink arrows. His hand wasn't on fire anymore. It was as if this journey to the Fire Dimension was just a dream.
"Oh, you're awake." Satomi said.
"Yeah, I'm ok now...wait, where's Natsuki?" Vega asked.
"She left to find Haruna Nakamura and fight her," Satomi said.
"Oh no..." Vega said, worried. "She might get herself killed...Not that I like her or anything, because I definitely don't, but I've gotta find her!"
Antonio Vega then rushed out of the room, ready to find Natsuki.

Meanwhile, Natsuki, in her Voidninger form, was in an empty street, calling out Haruna Nakamura. Suddenly, an arrow started flying in her direction, before changing direction and hitting the ground instead.
"I'm here," Haruna said, in black and pink armour. She was standing on the roof of a tall building.
"You attacked my friends, and now you must pay!" Voidninger said.
"Really?" Haruna said. "How do you think you can defeat me, little girl?"
"That does it!" Voidninger said, now angry. She jumped onto the building and started attacking Haruna. Haruna then fired so many arrows at Voidninger, who barely dodged all of them. Voidninger then kicked Haruna in the face, before using her finisher. A giant, pitch-black sphere of Void Energy appeared and fell from the sky, crushing Haruna. After it disappeared, though, Haruna was still there, having took absolutely no damage.

"W-what?" Voidninger was confused.
"This is why you'll never defeat me," Haruna said. "You always act first before thinking. Yes, the Void is the most powerful element of all, but it has a weakness. The Void is weak against the power of Heart. That is a power I've been using in a lot of my moves!"
Voidninger then charged at Haruna, who then shot more arrows at her.
"And without the power of the Void," Haruna said, "you're just a weakling!"
Voidninger then started attacking Haruna, who then shot an arrow into Voidninger's neck, causing her to untransform and get paralyzed.

"So long, Natsuki," Haruna said. "I'm probably the only one who'll miss you."
Haruna then threw the paralyzed Natsuki off the building, but then a ninja in red appeared and saved Natsuki. The ninja then went to the top of the building, where Haruna was. He then unmasked himself.
"Vega-kun!" Haruna said. "You found me?"
"Yes, I did," Antonio Vega said. "I'm here to put a stop to you! This is for what you did to Sayori and Yuri!"
"I was doing you a favor, Vega-kun!" Haruna said. "Besides, I don't think there's anyone fit to be with you, except me."
"Actually, there is," Antonio Vega said.
"Who?" Haruna asked.
"She's right there," Vega said, pointing down at Natsuki. Even though Natsuki was paralyzed and couldn't move, her ears were still working. In her head, Natsuki was thinking about what Antonio Vega said.
Haruna was upset.
"Ok then," she said, "I'll just kill her, then! And then I'll have you all to myself!"
Haruna then prepared another arrow, but this time, it was a normal one. She was about to shoot it, but then Antonio Vega's eyes started glowing bright red. He summoned a blue fireball, which destroyed the arrow before it could hit Natsuki.

Antonio Vega then turned to Haruna Nakamura, ready to fight. He summoned walls of fire, preventing Haruna from escaping.
"What is this power?" Antonio Vega thought. But then he remembered going to the Fire Dimension.
"Of course," Antonio Vega said. "I got this power from my burning passion! Now I must use it."
Antonio Vega then charged at Haruna Nakamura, shooting fireballs at her. Haruna tried to dodge and block attacks, but arrows weren't really a good defense against fire. Antonio Vega then kicked Haruna in the helmet, causing her to fall of the building. However, she survived by grabbing onto the wall.

Antonio Vega then cooled down and took Natsuki back to the dojo.

Many hours later, Antonio was at his house, when Satomi appeared.
"What are you doing, Satomi?" Antonio Vega said. "And...how do you know where I live?"
"That doesn't matter," Satomi said. "It's finally finished!"
Satomi had finished turning the Rose of Oesor into the cure for everyone's paralysis. She had given it to Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki, and they were back to normal. Satomi also removed the arrows and threw them away.

Sayori was so happy to see Antonio Vega again, and hugged him as soon as he walked in. She then left. Yuri smiled at Vega without saying anything, and then left. Antonio Vega then went to check up on Natsuki. Natsuki was struggling to say something.
"Uhh...Natsuki, are you ok?" Antonio Vega said.
"I'm fine, alright?" Natsuki said, annoyed.
Natsuki then started to leave, but then remembered something.
"Wait a minute!" Natsuki said. "Antonio, I heard what you said before you fought Haruna...is it true?"
"Of course not!" Antonio Vega said. "I only said that so Haruna would let her guard down. I never meant what I said about you!"
"Good," Natsuki said, before leaving. "Thanks for saving me, by the way, even if you didn't need to."

Natsuki then left. She suddenly felt some similarities between herself and Antonio Vega, and Antonio Vega also felt this too.

Meanwhile, in the Nature Dimension, a mysterious woman in silver robes was walking through a field of red flowers. She noticed a blood-red gemstone on the ground. This mysterious woman was the very first Void Ninja, whose name was never spoken at all. Her name, by the way, is 空, but it can also be spelt as そら. The very first void ninja then stepped on the red stone, crushing it into some powder. She then left.


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