Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 4 Review 💙

So let's see...in Summer Cove, Valentines Day takes place in September. In Coral Harbour, they celebrate Valentine's Day in April. Does every city in the Power Rangers universe have their own day of celebrating Valentine's Day? It's a good thing I don't live in Earth-2, then. Imagine all the chocolates I would get; I would run out of space for all of them!

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja, and once again, they decided to make this a valentine's day episode! You know, you don't have to wait for Valentine's Day to profess your love to someone. Just look at me, I'm dating so many people at once, and it isn't even close to the Valentine's Day season! There are a lot of good romance movies and tv shows that have absolutely nothing to do with Valentine's Day, but I didn't watch any of them because those kinds of shows aren't my thing.

Right, so where was I? Oh, right! In this episode, Ravi is reminiscing about when he and Roxy were together. Even though he follows the rules and stuff, and in their team, rangers can't date rangers, I still don't get why he decided to break up with Roxy instead of continuing to date, but in secret. I've been dating with Shinken Yellow for about a year and nobody knew about it until last month. Anyway, the evil avatar of Roxy decides to use this against him by pretending to still have good in her.

Another thing I noticed in this episode is that they're making it look like Nate has a secret admiration for Zoey, but here's the thing. I'm not convinced. You see, Nate secretly gave yellow flowers to Zoey, and if you give yellow flowers to someone on valentine's day, it symbolizes friendship. If they were red, then I would be more convinced.

Anyway, what I liked about this episode was that it didn't focus that much on the red ranger. However, if it wasn't Valentine's Day, the plot wouldn't change, and the Beast Morpher Rangers' weaknesses weren't even used in this episode, and the Beast Bots rarely got to do anything. Because of this, this episode is just...


Anyway, that is all, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!


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