Lupinranger vs Patoranger Episode 40 Review

I'm back from Osaka. You know what that means...

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! Lupinranger vs Patoranger is almost over, which means that more of the episodes will focus on the plot and not be filler. This episode is our last filler episode, I guess...but I actually don't mind the filler episodes. If there weren't any filler episodes, we would only have about 20 episodes or something per season. But anyway, let's begin!

So in this episode, LupinBlue and LupinYellow, who I've been together with since January, noticed that LupinRed was acting a little strange. They then ran into this episode's Gangler of the Week, who's either based off of a dugong or a manatee. However, not even I know the difference between a dugong and a manatee.

Anyway, the Gangler of the Week is a scholar who studied the Lupinrangers, similar to the Kuroninja historians who study my channel and put it all on this wiki. I think most of the information there is outdated...but anyway, this guy has a Lupin Collection piece that can create smoke, but he also has the power to amplify people's worries, making them imagine every worst possible scenario to the point of ridicule. For example, when LupinBlue and LupinYellow get hit, they start worrying even more about LupinRed, thinking of the possibility of him eating too much, and then a woodpecker flies into his stomach, causing him to literally blow up. I have to admit, that was pretty funny.

So anyway, after defeating the Gangler of the week, we found out that LupinRed has actually been taking care of a stray dog. I didn't really put a lot of effort in this review, but that's ok, because next week, we'll finally get to see what the Gangler World looks like!

As for this episode, it wasn't really that interesting, just...


Anyway, that is all, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!


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