Power of the Dragons, Final Chapter
While Kuronindragon was dealing with the White Dragon Orb and the Red Dragon Orb, I returned to my house, where Kuroninja 2 was waiting. The Black Dragon Orb left my hand and flew over to him. The Blue Dragon Orb also flew away. I don't know if it was returning to Yakumo or if it was going somewhere else. Anyway, Kuroninja 2 seemed to be upset that he didn't get to do anything. After all, he's from a universe where the Power Rangers get most of the attention. In fact, I had no idea who the Kuroninja of Earth 2 was until he showed up with the Black Dragon Orb. I was getting tired of hearing Kuroninja 2 complain, so I allowed him to go with me when I would return the last Dragon Orb: the Green Dragon Orb. Me and Kuroninja 2 were on our way to Sayori's house, but before we got there, Kuronindragon called me. He just wanted to see how I was doing. "I'm doing great," I said. "Just one more dragon orb to go." "That's ok...I've got a ...