Kuroninja X Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Replacing the Musical Star

One night, Kuroninja-10 looked outside the window of Kuroninja’s house. Outside was a meteor that landed somewhere. An orange portal then showed up near the woods, so Kuroninja-10 went to see what it was.

The next day, Kuroninja woke up, but couldn’t find Kuroninja-10. He asked Ayame where Kuroninja-10 was. Suddenly, Kuroninja-10 appeared along with a visitor. It was Sygnus, also known by his Kyuranger name, HakuchoWhite: the leader of a group of 3 known as the RMS, which consisted of Raptor 283, Kuroninja, and Sygnus. However, there was one problem. Sygnus was supposed to be dead, as he was killed by Cyber Kuroninja. Kuroninja knew about Sygnus’ death, and asked him how he was still alive. Sygnus said that he was sent back from Paradise to deal with a dangerous threat.

Unfortunately, something else happened. Mark Scorpio was there, along with some cyclops robots that looked like the Guardian robots from Kamen Rider Build, except they had an orange “eye.” The Scorpiodroids were attacking many civilians. There was a school nearby, and unfortunately, one female student with green eyes and brown hair had become a target of Mark Scorpio. But then, Kuroninja threw one of his shurikens on the floor, getting Scorpio’s attention and allowing the student to escape. While HakuchoWhite, Kuroninja-10, and the Flowery Kunoichi Team were dealing with the Scorpiodroids, Kuroninja was confronting Mark Scorpio, asking him why he had to attack random civilians. Mark Scorpio said that he was after something very powerful, and he needed there to be no witnesses. Kuroninja said that that was not an excuse to attack random civilians, especially someone who’s in school. Then they had a big fight, but the student that Kuroninja saved was still watching the fight. 

Kuroninja performed his finisher on Mark Scorpio, driving him away for now. But before Scorpio left, he warned Kuroninja that the substance he was looking for was very dangerous. It could consume entire people if not contained. Kuroninja was then a little worried, so he and HakuchoWhite had to go back and think of where this mysterious substance could be. But then, Kuroninja-10 noticed the student from before, who had been observing the entire scene.

Because there were so many people, Kuroninja didn’t want to return to his house. Instead, the group decided to eat at a nearby restaurant. Kuroninja was asking the student why she was still staying there, even though it was dangerous. The student, whose name was Monika, said that she was bored at school, so she decided to watch the fight between Scorpio and Kuroninja, because it was rare to witness, in person, a fight between a few Sentai Rangers and someone else. But Kuroninja wasn’t convinced. Normally, people would just run away. Kuroninja placed the Profiler Shuriken on his ninja sword, and spun it to analyze Monika. He found out that Monika was the president of the school’s Book Club. The Book Club had meetings in after school hours, which was after 3:00 pm. The fight took place at 3:05, so why would someone in charge of an after-school activity club be outside 5 minutes after school, when they would be setting up the room before the other students arrive?

Monika then asked Kuroninja if he can keep a secret, so Kuroninja spun his Kage Shuriken and fogged the surroundings so that nobody could hear their secret conversation. Monika then revealed that she was actually part of a video game, and felt lonely because of this. So when someone showed up and played the game, she got interested. The person playing the video game was Kuroninja’s Earth-0 counterpart. During the 3rd act of the game, on April 25, 2018, Kuroninja’s Earth-0 counterpart gave her an offer to be a part of the Kuroninja Series. She would be making her debut in the X Timeline. Monika accepted, and left the computer, allowing herself to be downloaded into the Kuroninja Multiverse through Kuroninja’s Earth-0 counterpart’s notes. The logic used in the Kuroninja Multiverse is weird.
So when Monika arrived, she didn’t really know what to do, so she decided to watch what Kuroninja was doing. Kuroninja decided that Monika should go with them to find this mysterious substance that Mark Scorpio was after, because it was very dangerous, according to Scorpio. But then, on the news in one of the TVs, it showed a black amorphous creature destroying a lot of things. Cyberninjas were trying to stop this thing, but then the black amorphous thing absorbed the Cyberninja and took a more humanoid form. More amorphous creatures appeared everywhere. Kuroninja then realized what these things were. He had visited the Far Realm before, and these amorphous creatures were from there. They were very dangerous. They had somehow appeared through a portal in the sky, but they were transported to Earth-1 via a meteor. Kuroninja also knew one thing. These guys had one weakness: sound.

Kuroninja, HakuchoWhite, Kuroninja-10, and Monika headed towards the area contaminated by amorphous things. Kuroninja brought an electric guitar and an amplifier with him, and Sygnus brought his violin. Unfortunately, before they could use their instruments, the amorphous things caught and restrained Kuroninja-10 and HakuchoWhite. Now they were about to attack Kuroninja and Monika. Kuroninja then connected the electric guitar to the amplifier in time, and played a really loud e-minor chord on the guitar. the amorphous things backed off, because they hated the loud noise. Kuroninja then gave the Koto Kyutama, a powerup he rarely used, to Monika, along with his Seiza Blaster, saying that this was her chance to do something in the Kuroninja Series. Monika then transformed into the Musical Star: Koto Dandelion, using the Koto Kyutama.

KotoDandelion then took HakuchoWhite’s violin, and together, with Kuroninja’s electric guitar and the violin, they played Kuroninja’s Theme Song. Kuroninja’s Theme Song sounded really nice, but not for the amorphous things, who had no choice but to retreat. But actually, they weren’t retreating. They transformed into a more humanoid form. Kuroninja was about to finish them off, but KotoDandelion stopped him. Since she was the newcomer, she should be the one to finish them off. KotoDandelion pointed her Seiza Blaster and prepared an attack. The Seiza Blaster glowed green as it announced-


“Vega Crash!” KotoDandelion announced, as she fired a green ball of energy at the amorphous creatures, destroying them once and for all. This threat from the Far Realm was no longer a danger to Earth-1.

But what nobody knew was that someone was watching. Pluto, the lord of the Underworld, noticed the green blast of energy. Green was a colour of the Underworld, so Pluto thought it would be fun to convert Monika to evil, even though Pluto was an Interdimensional Guardian. Monika was also capable of being evil. But for now, Pluto would just watch, so that he wouldn’t get in trouble from the other Interdimensional Guardians.

Somewhere in the woods, Sygnus said goodbye to everyone, because he had to return to Paradise. Kuroninja and Monika then went their separate ways, but they both knew that they would meet again. They both didn’t know where or when, but they knew they would meet again some sunny day.


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