
Showing posts from September, 2018

Kuroninja News: The Lupinrangers get all the Powerups

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja, and it’s time for Kuroninja News! Alright, it’s the end of the month, and you know what that means! It’s time to spoil the future...only for Super Sentai! Now, normally this is usually the time of year when we find out what the next Sentai season will be, but it looks like this time, it’s arriving late. But the one thing we do know is that there’s going to be a lot of power ups. First is the Lupin Magnum, which appears in the next episode, so I’m not going to talk about it. Wait a minute, it transforms into a mecha? I didn’t know that! But I still don’t like the fact that it’s going to get used by a red ranger again. Next we’ve got the Siren Striker, which will be used by LupinX. Now the name makes it seem like it’s going to be used by the Patorangers, right? NOPE. The spoilers showed it being used by LupinX. Now unlike others, I’m not against the Lupinrangers having more powerups than the Patorangers. Even though Anti-Kuroninja’s a little crazy,...

Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 14 ♻️

This episode sucked. It sucked more than a vacuum cleaner, it sucked more than a black hole. Anything else that’s sucky sucky, this episode sucked more than any of that stuff. Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! Today I’m going to review an episode of Super Ninja Steel! This episode did the impossible: it introduced a more unlikeable character than Victor and Monty! And no, I’m not talking about Sheriff Skyfire, he’s cool. No he’s not. You see, in this episode, it introduced Clint, who’s supposed be this security guard for the school. And he’s so annoying. He has the generic “just doing my job” excuse when doing security stuff. Now I don’t get this. All that security guards have to do is GUARD THE SCHOOL. They don’t need to sort the recycling and the garbage, that’s the janitor’s work! Unless the janitor is really lazy at his job, and if the janitor is, I think me and the janitor will get along very well. As for confiscating the stuff, that’s the hall monitor’s job. Anyway, I hate...

Riderverse Reviews: Kamen Rider Zi-O Episode 4

This episode succeeded in attempting to excite me. Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! Sorry about posting this review so late, I was in a bad mood from watching Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel. Episode 14 sucked more than a vacuum cleaner, and more than a black hole. Anything that sucks doesn't suck as much as Super Ninja Steel. However, this is a KAMEN RIDER ZI-O review, and I'm saving Power Rangers for later. This episode was the complete opposite of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel episode 14, because I enjoyed it. So in this episode, I got a better understanding of the Time Jackers. They're basically against Oma Zi-O, except instead of doing what Geiz and Tsukuyomi are doing, they want to replace Zi-O with Another Rider. See what I did there? Anyway, the way they do this is by making contracts with people who were about to experience something they don’t want. For Another Rider Ex-Aid, he became an Another Rider to save his dying son. Now in this episo...

Lupinranger vs Patoranger Episode 33 Review

Did you know that none of the Lupinrangers transformed into their ranger forms in this episode? No, Noel doesn't count because he's on both sides. Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! This episode, I originally dismissed as filler, but when I watched it, it turned out to be beyond my expectations. Even though the plot sounded terrible on paper, it actually worked! So first, in order to understand the plot of this story, we need to talk about the Gangler of the Week. He has the power to release bolts of energy that age people backwards, which is the opposite of a ganglers of the week from many episodes ago, I forgot which one, though. And that's his power without the Lupin Collection. So anyway, the Lupinrangers turn into children, and it gets even worse when the Patorangers find one of the VS Changers and take it with them as evidence. We also find out that the Patorangers don't want to team up with the Lupinrangers because it will give them a bad public reputation. ...

Kuroninja Gold: October Spoilers

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja, and it’s time to reveal some stuff for Kuroninja Gold in October! Ok, so you might’ve noticed that the storylines have improved. Unlike last time, my Earth-0 counterpart has gotten better with his writing, and he’s not rushing with this series- but I think that’s only because of Monika’s influence. I did defeat Monika in a fight on her birthday , by the way. But anyway, since my Earth-0 counterpart is so annoying, I’m giving away some spoilers for what is expected to happen during October, in the Halloween season. So basically, there’s going to be some story arcs throughout the season. In this one, it’s going to focus on Voidninger. If you’ve seen the design, you already know that Voidninger looks similar to Momoninger and Anti-Kuroninja fused together, and yes, Voidninger is a girl. What we don’t know is who Voidninger is, but it’s going to be someone who has appeared in the Kuroninja Multiverse before. It might be someone you’d least expect. But w...

Kuroninja Gold Episode 3

Episode 3: The First Day It was the first day. The first day where Kuroninja would teach some students and pass down his ninja skills to many others. This was the first day Kuroninja would be teaching his shadow ninja techniques in the Kuroninja Ninjutsu Dojo. Kuroninja entered the room, ready to introduce himself to the new students. There were many students in the dojo due to Kuroninja’s popularity, but a few stood out from the rest. First was Sayori, who joined the dojo for no reason. However, one of her friends, Natsuki, had also joined the dojo, because she wanted to become a ninja. She thought it could be useful in the future. Next, was Antonio Vega, a guy in a red shirt with black hair. He was the most passionate out of all the students, and he also brought his own custom made ninja uniform, which featured a red mask and suit. The mask has a yellow four pointed star, known simply as the “Vega Emblem.” Kuroninja knew from looking at that red ninja suit, red ninja m...

Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 13 Review 💯

They actually did it. They adapted Masakage Tsugumori into Ninja Steel! YES! Even better, he’s not a monster of the week! Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! Yes, that’s right! My favourite villain in Shuriken Sentai Ninninger has an Earth-2 counterpart! Now, none of you might know why I like Tsugumori. That’s completely unimportant to the review, so I won’t explain why. But now let’s focus on this episode! It focuses on Sarah, the pink ninja steel ranger. However, as soon as I found out that the villain that the Rangers would fight was Brax, the Earth-2 counterpart of Mangetsu Kibaoni, I knew exactly what would happen. This episode’s plot was really predictable, especially because I watched Ninninger before. Now another thing that I didn’t really like about this episode, and I think you’ll agree with me, was the stuff that Victor and Monty did this episode. Basically, they had a plan to postpone the test by having Monty fart so much, it would cause the room to stink, making it t...

Riderverse Reviews: Kamen Rider Zi-O Episode 3

This episode failed to excite me. Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! For my reviews in Kamen Rider Zi-O, I was thinking of making puns related to the Kamen Rider themes. For this episode, it’s a tribute to Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, so let’s get right into it. Alright, so in the first episode, we got to see time travelling in not only last year, but also the Cretaceous period (where apparently, t-rexes sound like elephants) and Feudal Japan. This episode, we got NO time travel, which sucked. But our protagonist still has to go to school, of course, even though he will later become an evil overlord and take all the Kamen Riders’ powers. Now the 2 guys from the future, Geiz and Tsukuyomi, are trying to keep an eye on him at school to try and convince him not to become evil. They spy on him even when he’s trying to use the toilet! This annoys him so much that he hides in the gym storage room. This is when we meet a guy who gets infected while playing a video game. Ok, so it looks like ...

Lupinranger vs Patoranger Episode 32 Review

Finally! They decided to work together for real this time- Oh, so they’re only teaming up during special events, huh? Ok then. Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! Today I’m going to be talking about the 32nd episode of Lupinranger vs Patoranger! So in this episode, it’s not filler this time! There is no Gangler of the week in this episode, because they have to fight this evil experiment created by Gauche. It has 5 safes, and one of them has the power to cancel GoodStriker’s powers. What makes it even worse is that all 5 safes form a safety barrier around each other, so the Lupinrangers have to open all 5 at once. Unfortunately, there’s only 4 of them, and LupinRed can’t create clones of himself, because a certain Mobirates-shaped Lupin Collection piece has the power to cancel out GoodStriker’s powers. Now guess what? In this episode, the Patorangers decided to team up with the Lupinrangers, because LupinX challenged Patoren1 to a duel. Now my theory of LupinX being based off of m...

Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 12 Review 🐺

I can’t believe there would be a day where these words, in this order, would come out of my mouth... This was a good Super Ninja Steel episode. Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! This episode of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel was really good because of many things. Last time, the red ranger didn’t do anything, and in this episode, the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger got to use the Lion Fire Armor! And as a bonus, Levi’s one of my favourite rangers in the series because of his interesting backstory. So in this episode, Levi runs into one of his fans. However, he’s not really the kind of guy who signs autographs anymore, because he just wants to focus on his school. See, this is why this is a good episode. Since Levi’s a famous country music composer, he could just use his fame by showing off in front of everyone and attending movie premieres so he could go on Instagram and brag about it. But he decided not to do that because he doesn’t want the fame to get to his head. Don’t let the fame...

Kuroninja Gold Episode 2

Episode 2: Shadow Uprising, Part 2 After running into new villains and rescuing Umika, Kuroninja was now focused on the grand opening ceremony of the new Kuroninja Ninjutsu Dojo. He got out his weapon, the Kuroninjatō, which he would use to cut the ribbon and open the dojo to the public. Many people were invited to the opening ceremony including the Igasaki ninjas, who also worked as the Ninningers, Tsurugi Otori, Kuroninja’s very influential friend from another universe known as Earth-9, and Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger. Kuroninja also wanted to invite Umika to the event, but she couldn’t go because of what happened. Surprisingly, Sayori was also attending the ceremony. Kuroninja was walking around, shaking everyone’s hands, when he ran into her and another girl from the same school with pink hair and a tray of cupcakes. “Oh hey Sayori,” Kuroninja said. “What are you doing here?” “I’m interested in becoming a ninja,” Sayori said. “Ok,” Kuroninja said, surprised ...