KibaDragon’s Last Stand
Earth-4: Akuroninja’s Fortress
Akuroninja was sitting on his throne in an assembly room. Surrounding him were his red guards, who looked like evil versions of TyrannoRanger (the red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger). Next to Akuroninja was his new right-hand man, Shadow Tyrannoranger. Shadow Tyrannoranger looked like the movie version of the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, except that instead of red armour, he had black/dark grey armour. The reason why Shadow Tyrannoranger was Akuroninja’s second-in-command was because Akuroninja had exiled his previous second-in-command, KibaDragon, for failing him multiple times, to the Moon, because it was the only thing that Akuroninja didn’t take over yet.
Other Enforcers who worked for Akuroninja were in front of Akuroninja’s throne. They included the winged ZyuohCrow, DSR, HououSoldier (this one on Earth-4 betrayed the resistance by siding with Akuroninja), and several MammothTroopers (soldiers who wore uniforms that looked like MammothRanger or the black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger). But that was when the door to the assembly room was destroyed. 3 MammothTroopers went to see what happened, but then they got attacked by someone with a small schimitar with a handle that looked like a white tiger’s head. It was KibaDragon, and he was back for revenge.
Akuroninja got out his staff, which transformed into a sword, and attacked KibaDragon. The other Enforcers backed off in case Akuroninja punished them for interfering. ZyuohCrow, DSR, and HououSoldier pointed their weapons at KibaDragon while Akuroninja prepared his finishing move, which involved red lightning surrounding his sword. But then KibaDragon told Akuroninja to give him another chance. He said that he would go to Earth-1 and take down Kuroninja. Since Akuroninja wasn’t able to take down Kuroninja himself, he decided that he should just let KibaDragon go to Earth-1 and take down Kuroninja.
To be continued...
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