The 蘭dom Section: Who do I look up to?

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja, and this is the 蘭dom Section of my blog, where I talk about 蘭dom and off topic things that I usually don’t talk about.

So for today’s topic, I’m going to talk about something. Who is my role model and why?

Well guess what? I don’t have any. And the reason why is very simple.

So when you have a role model, it’s someone you look up to, someone you want to be like. But let me show you the truth: you will never be like anyone you look up to, no matter how hard you try. But don’t think of this as a bad thing. Think of it as a good thing.

First of all, everyone is unique in their own way, unless you’re one of those people who copies others and steals all their work, even though you didn’t make anything original yourself. So don’t focus on copying your role model’s talents. Instead, just focus on your own. What are you good at? Who cares about what your inspiration is good at, but what about yourself? You have to be good at something.

Next, when you have a role model you will probably follow their advice all the time. Well guess what? That’s a bad idea. I get that there are some good guys, but things change. Maybe they’re not really good guys, but it’s just an act. The reason why there’s a barricade that separates the wrestlers from the fans is not jus the to protect the wrestlers from crazy fans, but also to protect the fans from crazy wrestlers. Now let me ask you a question: if the person you looked up to told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?

 And that is why I don’t have any role models, and why you shouldn’t have any too. Anyway, that is all, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!


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