It’s Almost Time

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! I have something to announce on my blog.

So basically, there’s this collab I’m being a part of, and if you’ve been reading my blog you might know about Super Critic Taisen. I’m collaborating in this, and basically, what we’re going to do is review movies as a part of a trial to become part of the Go-Riders. I’m not going to explain the story, but you’ll see it later when Part 1 happens.

But before we talk about what’s going on now, let’s do a quick recap:
Ok, so assuming that you watched the video, you know that Acroninger (formerly known as Akuroninja because of アクロニンジャ) talks in slow motion. Also, my fight with Acroninger somehow foreshadowed my position as Ki-Rider! But what about what happens now?

So here’s what happened now. My Earth-0 counterpart received a script for something. However, as he was recording voiceovers for the script, I was somehow placed into a world where I’m badly animated. I somehow look similar to my Paperverse counterpart when like this! Anyway, I’m not going to spoil anything, but the first movie we have to review is Ninnin Boys vs Ninnin Girls. If you want to see my true opinion of this movie, click here.

Oh, and I also made something on Twitter. Make sure to choose Kuroninja/Momoninger! I’m also the yellow Gorider. Yellow’s not my favourite colour, but at least i’m not the red ranger!

Anyway, that is all, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!

P.S. Red Ranger x Pink Ranger ships are bad. Especially when it’s Ninninger.


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