Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 6 Review 🎭

Did you know? Romeo and Juliet were never meant to be together, and if they hadn't met, both of them would be still alive.

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! Today I'm going to be reviewing episode 6 of Super Ninja Steel, where for once, I don't feel like the episode is focused on me! Just remember, power Rangers always had lessons in each episode since MMPR. And if you don't believe me, watch any MMPR Season 1 episode that isn't the first few episodes, or the ones where we meet Tommy for the first time.

But anyway, this episode focuses on Calvin, even though the only reason why you're watching is because of the Galactic Ninjas. There's 4 of them, and even though they have the same names that are probably there because the higher powers of Earth-0 were too lazy and just named them whatever came into their head. For example, Wolvermean, the leader of the Galactic Ninjas who fights the Ninja Steel Rangers in this episode.

Anyway, this episode is also about Preston and Hayley having roles in a remake of Romeo and Juliet, something I know about because I studied in the city of England. It's a play made by William Shakespeare (I don't know how to pronounce it, but I think it's Will-Eye-Am Sha-Kes-Pee-Are-Ay). So Calvin assumes that Preston and Not Shironinger are dating secretly. But then he learns not to jump to conclusions that easily. That message is for you, LupinRed/LupinYellow shippers who just watched episode 4. But at least the lessons in MMPR were delivered more subtly.

Now here's a spoiler: Madame Odius takes the medals from the vanquished Wolvermean, who's actually NOT DEAD. This is going to be interesting, but I already know he's going to be destroyed by Madame Odius' Fox Zord.

There's not that much I have to say, but...seriously, why do ALL the foot soldiers have to be ROBOTS? At least be more original when adapting the Supparage! Maybe instead, they could be like students who wanted to join the Galactic Ninjas or something?

Anyway, that is all, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!


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