Kuroninja News: I'M BACK!

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja, and I'm back from the Far Realm! So the reason why I was gone for a long time was because I was travelling to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to recruit Peter Parker and Ned for the 2nd Season of the Toku Amazing Race. Unfortunately, the MCU is in another Multiverse, so it took a long time to get there. What makes it even worse is that I didn't even realise I could just take a shortcut by travelling to the Battle Fever J/Denziman/Sun Vulcan universe.

Anyway, I missed a lot of stuff while I was gone, so it's time for Kuroninja News!

First off, I've been hearing about how the first episode of Super Ninja Steel was bad. In fact, it was so bad, that the entire Power Rangers fan base united under the hashtag #PowerForceLives, to show how they will keep being Power Rangers fans, even if Super Ninja Steel turns out to be terrible. As for me, I haven't watched Super Ninja Steel yet, so maybe I'll bring Ninja Stale back... as Super Ninja Stale.

Also in the news, I wasn't originally going to tell this, but Toku Nation spoiled it already. In Super Critic Taisen, Adam Brandon and Neo Tyrannoranger will get killed off and replaced with Theodore Hodel and KakureDaiShogun.

In other Toku Nation news, does anyone know about Let's Talk Toku? It's like Kuroninja News, except that it was here before Kuroninja News, and it's also on YouTube instead of a blog. Basically, Movie Critic created a Let's Talk Toku, Request Edition. But he seems to be confused on what Let's Talk Toku is about. I'll give a better explanation soon to sort things out, even though I'm normally neutral.

Now for some Lupinranger vs Patranger news! Because of what's happening, I will be saying Patranger from now on. But anyway, a lot of stuff has been revealed, such as the Ganglers having human forms, the GoodStriker on both sides, and PatorenUGo. There's too much for me to talk about, so just wait until it actually airs.

Also in the news, I have found another ship to worry about! Someone is shipping LupinRed with LupinYellow. While LupinYellow likes me more, the Earth-0 people are very influential with the other universes. There might be a triple threat in the gauntlet later: Kuroninja vs Patoren2 vs LupinRed.

Anyway, that is all for Kuroninja News! It's great to be back, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!


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