Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 2 Review 🔩

If you thought episode 1 was bad...this episode is worse. If Episode 3 is bad too, I’m calling this series “Super Ninja Stale”.

Hey guys, it is I, Kuroninja! I thought that Super Ninja Steel would be a really good series, but Sledge only appeared for a cameo, and the new villain we have didn’t even appear in this episode! I’m also beginning to understand why the audience hates the “moral of the week.” And I also figured out why MMPR did it better, even though they also had morals of the week. It’s because MMPR was more subtle in delivering the message, such as that episode with the pineoctopus. Guess what you can learn from that episode.

Anyway, I’m upset with this episode mostly because of the monster of the week. His name is Deceptron, and he uses lies to power up his bolt blaster. Those bolts have the ability to jam the ninja Power Stars, so they can’t use it anymore. It’s like Power Rangers Turbo, where the monster of the week cursed the blue ranger so that every time he lies, a Piranhatron will appear.

But here’s the thing: lying isn’t bad ALL THE TIME. Unlike Blueroninja, my lawful good Earth-119 counterpart who wears blue, I know that it’s ok to lie, as long as it’s for a good reason. If you lie about where you were because you’re a superhero and you want to keep your identity secret, then it’s ok. If you lie that you’re studying, but in reality, you’re sneaking out to rob a bank or something, then it’s not ok. Besides, the mighty Morphin power rangers have a rule where they have to keep their identity secret. They can’t tell anyone in their civilian lives that they’re the Power Rangers, so I won’t be surprised if they’ve been giving out a few lies.

Anyway, Victor and Monty are in this episode. Victor has these sunglasses that are very dark, so he ends up destroying public property. This was only there so that they can enforce the “lying is bad” thing, but ironically, that’s not true.

But do you want to know what I hated about this episode more than the theme? It’s the fact that both Calvin and Hayley, the yellow and white rangers, our protagonists and a bunch of power rangers’ fans’ role models, love eating PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA. Not only that, they enjoy eating it with MUSHROOMS as well. Pineapple does NOT belong on pizza, and neither does mushroom. The first time I tried pineapple on pizza, I hated it. The second time I tried it, I loved it. But that was only because I spent a lot of time carefully separating the pineapple from the pizza.

Anyway, that is all, and I have nothing to do with Shironinger!


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